I don't know about you but the older my kids get the more time seems to fly. I can't believe that Christopher's first year at school is nearly over and the twins are well over 8.Today I was trying to tidy - translate that as moving stuff from one room to another. I found these. A wee dress of Ems and Christopher's nite wrap.
It leaves me feeling..well a bit sad.I love them at the age they are, the chatter and the fun... but a baby.. thats something different. It means you have it all in front of you. Oh, I know its silly, I'm being a drama queen and I need serious editing! But it reminds me of the story I read (I think it was one of Deborah Jackson's books) when your mum encourages you to ride a bike and then cries when you've done it because she's so so proud but thats the start of moving away from her. Now I get it. In spades. So I keep them close when they are with me, to cherish those little moments. Hopefully, its those moments of security, of peace and love that they will carry with them, when they need their "magic box of moments".
We all painted this afternoon. I love ( and generally have no problem) unleashing my inner child! So I'm not going to tell you which one is mine! Andrew decided to do a self portrait too including his newly wonky teeth!
Childish - oh yes. A bit creatively silly, oh yes. Give me more. Lots more.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011
Mummy moments
Things I'm grateful for this day:-
:: Waking up beside this sight in my bed this morning. How cute are they?
:: A beautiful sunrise and a bright cheerful Monday morning.
:: The coffee in my travel flask - helps to keep me awake.
:: Lovely hugs from 6 little arms when I come home knackered from a full day at work.
:: My very special other half for making the kids fave dinner so I don't have to.
:: Finding 2 comments on this blog from people who have amazing blogs - gosh, someone has actually read these ramblings! Thanks so much.
:: Texts from my friends who help me so much. You guys are stars,
:: Good night kisses and hugs from the same 6 little arms this morning.
What are you grateful for this morning!
:: Waking up beside this sight in my bed this morning. How cute are they?
:: A beautiful sunrise and a bright cheerful Monday morning.
:: The coffee in my travel flask - helps to keep me awake.
:: Lovely hugs from 6 little arms when I come home knackered from a full day at work.
:: My very special other half for making the kids fave dinner so I don't have to.
:: Finding 2 comments on this blog from people who have amazing blogs - gosh, someone has actually read these ramblings! Thanks so much.
:: Texts from my friends who help me so much. You guys are stars,
:: Good night kisses and hugs from the same 6 little arms this morning.
What are you grateful for this morning!
Sunday, 27 March 2011
It started well.....
and thats really all I can say.I should have known. We had a promising start. Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny and after an early night on Friday so were we.
Breakfast started with something I love to make - Homemade Yoghurt - its so so easy, I can't think why I didn't do it before this year.If you haven't made it before please give it a go. I promise you will be a convert. Except for some simple temp taking at the beginning, a thermos does most of the work for you and the taste is fab. Not to mention being half of the price of any good organic yoghurt - so a win on all sides in my view. I can recommened the River cottage recipe - this is an all round great book
Pity you can't see the yoghurt too well but aren't the bowls gorgeous. They're a mint coloured Pyrex design and they arrived yesterday. Breakfast out of these is one way to cheer up my day.
Anyway, we got home from the library and dance sessions and I was feeling relaxed enough to say "Let's sort out the Lego". Ho ho ho, wrong idea! That would be the 17 lego sets, huge sets of everything, that the kiddos decided to mix into one huge lego mountain. Andrew , the lego king, had omitted to tell me that in all the sets he had managed to lose lots of the pieces (how do you do that! I reckon they are somewhere with all the missing socks!). 24 hrs later the pile has yes, well , diminished somewhat. But we are all left feeling exhausted with sore hands and sore eyes.at least parts of the carpet were visible but in this pic is still only a tiny portion of what was on the table.
This is some of the lego rebuilt and repacked in boxes, the rest went into coloured boxes for imaginative play.
To reconnect with each other we decided that today we would enjoy time outdoors. Bliss! there's nothing like getting outside and smelling spring, holding hands with the kids and collecting sticks to put us all back in a good mood. I am such an advocate of getting out as a family, time out of the house and in nature is where we should be - its what we were created for. And an amazing thing happened. Look at my feet - for the first time since, oh let me see, OCTOBER, I have taken off my Emus for at least part of the day.
No spring attire for the wee man though! he's taking no chances with hat, gloves and wellies.
Look ! the sun has even made shadows! Its been such a long winter...
I've kept the best for last... what a sight, daddy and daughter in a world of their own. Thats good enough for me.
What was good about your weekend? Post a comment and let me know.
Peace to you all.
Friday, 25 March 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
ready for the premier league
The weather was glorious here today, spring has sprung and the sun made a brief but bright and welcome appearane this afternoon. So to the nearest park we went, with a few good friends, flasks of coffee and snacks and lots of energy. The kids basked in this, the first real day of spring - jumpers and coats abandoned in a heap,fingers dug in the mud and their long limbs wrapped up and round trees. Sticks were procured, dens built and of course, there was a mutiny on the pirate ship.Though thankfully no one was made to walk the plank. Loving it!
How was your day? Peace to you all.
Football is a much ruminated on subject in this house, and late this afternoon was special - today the new ball had to be tried out. A much adored birthday present from his grandfather, it has been waiting for weeks to get onto some turf. But it was too precious to bring to the park, he wanted to try out in our tiny patch all on his own. Such was the love for the football leather. As you can see full kit required. Even so - it was deemed as - not quite football enough. So the wardrobe was perused and suitable shorts were found. Move over Stephen Gerrard.

How was your day? Peace to you all.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
oh for the love of friends
I am very blessed. I have a wonderful family and wonderful children and am generally - content in family and my own company. Of course, sometimes solitude is craved for in amongst the ceaseless conversation, questions and general babble that makes my noisy family life. Don't get me wrong - that babble is what makes me laugh and smile, hold and hug - but still I like my own company and can stick my nose in a book/ knitting/ baking for hours. So can my other half. I am what my mother would call a homebody. And I enjoy it, so much. I am always amazed and bemused by those I know for whom a mobile phone is secretary central. I neither need nor want a bevy of people in my life.But that said- friends, good friends, trusted friends are precious, very precious.
This morning I had coffee with 2 such friends. Friends who care and worry about us. Friends with whom sharing a latte and a cupcake is like a gift, such a blessed gift. I laughed with them, shared their troubles and they mine. They are worth their weight in gold. Then i got home and the postman arrived. With a box. An amazon box.... now for those of you that know me, know I have an addiction(one of many!|), an amazon addiction. It normally befalls me on late night sessions on the laptop and I am jittery from "buy now" to arrival day. I opened it eagerly and out fells a slim volume of an author I love. It has that new book smell. You know the one! I run my hands over the shiny jacket and unbroken spine. It feels just right in my hands. But i know this I have not ordered. Reluctantly I started to place the book back in the box when a whisp of paper falls out. I picked it up from the kitchen floor and read the delivery note. "I saw this and thought of you, my friend. Lots of lovexxxxxx" Her name is at the base of the docket and hot tears slide down my cheeks. True friends are very precious indeed. I am blessed.
This morning I had coffee with 2 such friends. Friends who care and worry about us. Friends with whom sharing a latte and a cupcake is like a gift, such a blessed gift. I laughed with them, shared their troubles and they mine. They are worth their weight in gold. Then i got home and the postman arrived. With a box. An amazon box.... now for those of you that know me, know I have an addiction(one of many!|), an amazon addiction. It normally befalls me on late night sessions on the laptop and I am jittery from "buy now" to arrival day. I opened it eagerly and out fells a slim volume of an author I love. It has that new book smell. You know the one! I run my hands over the shiny jacket and unbroken spine. It feels just right in my hands. But i know this I have not ordered. Reluctantly I started to place the book back in the box when a whisp of paper falls out. I picked it up from the kitchen floor and read the delivery note. "I saw this and thought of you, my friend. Lots of lovexxxxxx" Her name is at the base of the docket and hot tears slide down my cheeks. True friends are very precious indeed. I am blessed.
Monday, 21 March 2011
"weekend... whats a weekend?"
I love that line .... and for those of you who are Downtown Abbey fans you'll have heard it acted beautifully by the wonderful Maggie Smith. Apparently DA is returning in the autumn here - what bliss!
Aren't weekends all about slowing down and breathing.. deeply.. resting... not working????? I love, love, love nuturing my family but hey it still takes lots of energy. So what did we get up to this weekend?
I confess now - I took the kids to the park several times last week - so I could knit, but to me this was a GOOD idea and served 2 purposes. The kiddos ran around playing pirates for a couple of hours and I sat in the car with this. So I finished the "Rasberry beret" for Ems. Isn't it cute - isn't she cute in it!
I confess now - I took the kids to the park several times last week - so I could knit, but to me this was a GOOD idea and served 2 purposes. The kiddos ran around playing pirates for a couple of hours and I sat in the car with this. So I finished the "Rasberry beret" for Ems. Isn't it cute - isn't she cute in it!
This was so easy. I didn't have the rights size of circular and hate dpns so I used straight needles and just altered every other knit row to purl to make the stocking stitch. Jenny Lord's pattern was really easy to follow - even for a knitting duffer like me - and although it's a smidge big for her she loves it and now has demanded a cowl and fingerless gloves to match.
The wool was a real find! It's such a bright and cheerful colour - just like the little girl who wears it.
I was in a local charity shop and noticed it in a basket on the floor - about 4 balls and I think these may have frogged/ thrifted from something else. The lady only charged me £1 for the lot - I have about 3 balls left - brilliant. Eco friendly and thrifty - my kind of shopping!
I love my wellies and getting outdoors -it's perfect walking and playing weather at the moment. spring is springing and you can smell nature's fecundity all over my favourite trails. Its about breathing deeply and collectively as a family, about connecting with our souls and storing up some "nature nuture" for the busy week days ahead. Sticks are the most obvious toys and the best!!!
And finally.. I did some planting. My little seeds - rocket, courgette, spinach, chard, borage and comfrey are now nestled in the rich seedling compost. Hopefully I will able to fulfill a little more of my dream to at least partly feed my family home grown veg. We have such a tiny little patch from which to provide, the same tiny patch which is also home to a climbing frame, football cones and trampoline. That said, I adore being out in my garden, it doesn't look like much but it gives us hours of pleasure and hopefully with fingers crossed (and toes!) ,my tomatoes might, just might survive this year. I would love to can my own pasta sauce - there are so many positives in not ordering a take-away but going to the cupboard for a homemade sauce for pasta or chicken - just seems to me to be so much the better option. Tomatoes need basil and here are my little seedlings basking in the spring sun.
The wool was a real find! It's such a bright and cheerful colour - just like the little girl who wears it.
I was in a local charity shop and noticed it in a basket on the floor - about 4 balls and I think these may have frogged/ thrifted from something else. The lady only charged me £1 for the lot - I have about 3 balls left - brilliant. Eco friendly and thrifty - my kind of shopping!
I love my wellies and getting outdoors -it's perfect walking and playing weather at the moment. spring is springing and you can smell nature's fecundity all over my favourite trails. Its about breathing deeply and collectively as a family, about connecting with our souls and storing up some "nature nuture" for the busy week days ahead. Sticks are the most obvious toys and the best!!!
And finally.. I did some planting. My little seeds - rocket, courgette, spinach, chard, borage and comfrey are now nestled in the rich seedling compost. Hopefully I will able to fulfill a little more of my dream to at least partly feed my family home grown veg. We have such a tiny little patch from which to provide, the same tiny patch which is also home to a climbing frame, football cones and trampoline. That said, I adore being out in my garden, it doesn't look like much but it gives us hours of pleasure and hopefully with fingers crossed (and toes!) ,my tomatoes might, just might survive this year. I would love to can my own pasta sauce - there are so many positives in not ordering a take-away but going to the cupboard for a homemade sauce for pasta or chicken - just seems to me to be so much the better option. Tomatoes need basil and here are my little seedlings basking in the spring sun.
What are you basking in this weekend?
Peace to you all.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
happy st. patrick's day!
I love the morning, noon and night pics I've seen on other sites. So here's ours -
- Painting the hall - a sunny yellow colour - I want our hall to be welcoming to all our friends and family who come here thats for sure but most importantly I want us as a family to see home as somewhere, safe, warm, happy, a place of refuge and laughter and love. As long as we are together - thats all that counts, thats where home is.
Noon - these little hands that try so hard. His mistakes will make him stronger - they teach him that at 8, nothing is done completely correctly the first time and learning to make mistakes in a safe and secure environment is ok. Thats how we learn. I make mistakes all the time. Thanks goodness for that!
Night - low winter sun, warming the corners of her room. No words needed.
- Painting the hall - a sunny yellow colour - I want our hall to be welcoming to all our friends and family who come here thats for sure but most importantly I want us as a family to see home as somewhere, safe, warm, happy, a place of refuge and laughter and love. As long as we are together - thats all that counts, thats where home is.
Noon - these little hands that try so hard. His mistakes will make him stronger - they teach him that at 8, nothing is done completely correctly the first time and learning to make mistakes in a safe and secure environment is ok. Thats how we learn. I make mistakes all the time. Thanks goodness for that!
Night - low winter sun, warming the corners of her room. No words needed.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Are there times..
When you feel like you're parenting style is so different from everyone else? I'm reading the most amazing book - Calm and compassionate children . I can't prasie this highly enough - it so affirms the decisions that we've made about our children and is a constant source of comfort and reference.I would so encourage everyone to read this book - some of the ideas are so simple but oh so effective. I've tried the calming breaths on all the kids in times of need(and sometimes for mommy too!) and the movement breaks during tough times of concentrationshe employs are brilliant. The kids always end up rolling round giggling and it gives a really positive vibe when you're running through decomposition for the 18th time.
The kids really enjoy some of the physical exercises but what I really love is the conscious quiet time. Stilling 3 little very active minds and bodies isn't the easiest or wanted all the time - but, when quiet, oh, its bliss - Andrew will go to his room and find something to do with lego or a book or just get peace to sleep. Other 2 could paint to the end of time.
But this afternoon, the house was incerdibly quiet. Andrew was building lego and the other were having a tea party with...wait for it... 5 stones from the beach.. yup! you read it right. Those stones became friends were talked with, read to and had cake and tea. The only limit on play was imagination!
Then it all changed and before tea the spell was broken as the pirates went back out to sea.Shiver me timbers!!
What did you do today?
Peace to you all.
The kids really enjoy some of the physical exercises but what I really love is the conscious quiet time. Stilling 3 little very active minds and bodies isn't the easiest or wanted all the time - but, when quiet, oh, its bliss - Andrew will go to his room and find something to do with lego or a book or just get peace to sleep. Other 2 could paint to the end of time.
But this afternoon, the house was incerdibly quiet. Andrew was building lego and the other were having a tea party with...wait for it... 5 stones from the beach.. yup! you read it right. Those stones became friends were talked with, read to and had cake and tea. The only limit on play was imagination!
Then it all changed and before tea the spell was broken as the pirates went back out to sea.Shiver me timbers!!
What did you do today?
Peace to you all.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Heaven sent Sunday
I realised I posted Monday's pic before Sundays post! Duh!
It was a busy Sunday - NOT the way I normally like them but that said every moment that I am able to spend with these little people is a moment well spent. And given the tragic world events this weekend I hold them a little closer.
It was a busy Sunday - NOT the way I normally like them but that said every moment that I am able to spend with these little people is a moment well spent. And given the tragic world events this weekend I hold them a little closer.
Checking the bird book on our nature ramble and calling daddy Colonel Haithi! He took it well.
Wading in wellies and jammies.
Making pizza (and then gobbling it!) with my favourite 8 year sous chef. Chattering over nothing in particular but I'm savouring every moment with this wonderful little boy.
Pure bliss.
Peace to you all.
Green shoots
A picture that sums up our week - In Soule Mama style
Grateful for - spring coming! Rebirth! Rejuvination!
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Those wonderful weekend hours
First thing on Saturday we're up early to take Ems to her drama and dance class. Tap, theatre dance and drama enchant her for an hour and half every Saturday morning. Not lying in means more time to enjoy the rest of the day and do the stuff that we really enjoy doing. Papa works on Saturdays so he leaves really early and we don't see him until near midnight.
Note the sweetie snuck behind mumo's back into the bag and obviously devoured during class!
Saturday stretches out long ahead for the four of us. What utter bliss, to take it slow on this cold March day.... maybe I'll knit.
I finished a simple, sweet little tea cosy in cheerful cherry red with a pale pink trim last week for my gorgeous spotted and much prized Emma Bridgewater teapot.I looked at fairisle patterns, self striped wool and the house one in Kirstie Alley's book but sometimes simple is perfect. There's no need to adorn. Here it is...
My knitting is a bit of a work in progress. I really enjoy the click clack of the needles, the sound and rythmn really take my mind off whatever stresses and strains are whirling around. But I am a novice and like small fast projects better.
My mother in law is a tremendous knitter and gave me some of her and her mothers vintage needles. I was overwhelemed by her gesture - I am knitting tea cosies on the very same needles that knit my childrens little cardigans and sweaters 8 years ago, those very same needles that knit my husband's baby hats and booties over 40 years ago and probably those same needles knit my MIL's socks and scarves when she was little. What a joy! To have roots, to have family and to sustain your family with the creativity from your hands, knitting love and happiness into each stitch.
So on that note, I think we'll curl up on the sofa, me with a full pot of coffee from my favourite pink vintage pot

and maybe just maybe I'll use this divine rasberry thrifted wool
to start this lovely beret that I found in my library book by Jenny Lord.
I think the rasberry is perfect for a little head and then maybe later on I'll knit one for a bigger head!!
And as it's saturday and we're all feeling lazy and in need of some comfort - the kids can watch one of their favourite movies. Full of pirates (of course!!!) and needs full dress up, we can go from this cosy sight
Peace to you all. Have a wonderful day.
What are you all up to this weekend? What's being created or completed? Write a comment and let me know!
Note the sweetie snuck behind mumo's back into the bag and obviously devoured during class!
Saturday stretches out long ahead for the four of us. What utter bliss, to take it slow on this cold March day.... maybe I'll knit.
I finished a simple, sweet little tea cosy in cheerful cherry red with a pale pink trim last week for my gorgeous spotted and much prized Emma Bridgewater teapot.I looked at fairisle patterns, self striped wool and the house one in Kirstie Alley's book but sometimes simple is perfect. There's no need to adorn. Here it is...
My knitting is a bit of a work in progress. I really enjoy the click clack of the needles, the sound and rythmn really take my mind off whatever stresses and strains are whirling around. But I am a novice and like small fast projects better.
My mother in law is a tremendous knitter and gave me some of her and her mothers vintage needles. I was overwhelemed by her gesture - I am knitting tea cosies on the very same needles that knit my childrens little cardigans and sweaters 8 years ago, those very same needles that knit my husband's baby hats and booties over 40 years ago and probably those same needles knit my MIL's socks and scarves when she was little. What a joy! To have roots, to have family and to sustain your family with the creativity from your hands, knitting love and happiness into each stitch.
So on that note, I think we'll curl up on the sofa, me with a full pot of coffee from my favourite pink vintage pot
and maybe just maybe I'll use this divine rasberry thrifted wool
to start this lovely beret that I found in my library book by Jenny Lord.
I think the rasberry is perfect for a little head and then maybe later on I'll knit one for a bigger head!!
And as it's saturday and we're all feeling lazy and in need of some comfort - the kids can watch one of their favourite movies. Full of pirates (of course!!!) and needs full dress up, we can go from this cosy sight
to this in a few moments....
Why it's Captain Hook of course!!
Peace to you all. Have a wonderful day.
What are you all up to this weekend? What's being created or completed? Write a comment and let me know!
Friday, 11 March 2011
An old cliche rings true
Home is definitely where the heart is here. Outside it's a miserable grey day with chill in the air that makes you want to curl up by the fire. At Home. Cosy and warm with those you love. And so home we are - a home that is full of laughter, hugs and merriment. A home where there are 3 very special children, with very large hearts.
There's a homemade irish stew bubbling on the range, chock full of good local veggies that will warm their bones and when papa comes home the sharing of news and chit chat round the family table will warm all our hearts.
Emma and Christopher are dressed up and playing pirates - their way of shedding their day at school and welcoming the weekend. My heart swells when I see them together, making up stories,in full dress up and just relaxing doing what they often do best - playing. Oh, the power of their imagination. Pirate Evil Emma and Pirate Boy Dibber are on the high seas and ready for battle. Laughter and giggling abounds. It's good for their hearts.
Andrew is off reading in a corner getting his headspace after his day at school. That's just him, in his own world of JK Rowling's make believe. I love the way he lives his latest book and trust me there is always a book on the go.
Later we'll all curl up on the big bed upstairs in our jammies and I'll and read aloud to them - it's one of my favourite, most peaceful, parts of the day. We're reading abook that I loved as a little girl "Swallows and Amazons". Amazing that a book from 1930 can hold 3 kids in 2011.
Would there be a pirate theme going on this week?
At home - a place where you can be whatever or whoever your heart desires.
Peace to you all.Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
There's a homemade irish stew bubbling on the range, chock full of good local veggies that will warm their bones and when papa comes home the sharing of news and chit chat round the family table will warm all our hearts.
Emma and Christopher are dressed up and playing pirates - their way of shedding their day at school and welcoming the weekend. My heart swells when I see them together, making up stories,in full dress up and just relaxing doing what they often do best - playing. Oh, the power of their imagination. Pirate Evil Emma and Pirate Boy Dibber are on the high seas and ready for battle. Laughter and giggling abounds. It's good for their hearts.
Andrew is off reading in a corner getting his headspace after his day at school. That's just him, in his own world of JK Rowling's make believe. I love the way he lives his latest book and trust me there is always a book on the go.
Later we'll all curl up on the big bed upstairs in our jammies and I'll and read aloud to them - it's one of my favourite, most peaceful, parts of the day. We're reading abook that I loved as a little girl "Swallows and Amazons". Amazing that a book from 1930 can hold 3 kids in 2011.
Would there be a pirate theme going on this week?
At home - a place where you can be whatever or whoever your heart desires.
Peace to you all.Hope you have a great day tomorrow.
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