Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Are there times..

When you feel like you're parenting style is so different from everyone else? I'm reading the most amazing book  - Calm and compassionate children . I can't prasie this highly enough - it so affirms the decisions that we've made about our  children and is a constant source of comfort and reference.I would so encourage everyone to read this book - some of the ideas are so simple but oh so effective. I've tried the calming breaths on all the kids in times of need(and sometimes for mommy too!)  and the movement breaks  during tough times of concentrationshe employs are brilliant. The kids always end up rolling round giggling and it gives a really positive vibe when you're running through decomposition for the 18th time.
The kids really enjoy some of the physical exercises but what I really love is the conscious quiet time. Stilling 3 little very active minds and bodies isn't the easiest  or wanted all the time -  but, when quiet,  oh,  its bliss - Andrew will go to his room and find something to do with lego or a book or just get peace to sleep. Other 2 could paint to the end of time.

But this afternoon, the house was incerdibly quiet.  Andrew was building lego and the other were having a tea party with...wait for it... 5 stones from the beach.. yup! you read it right. Those stones became friends were talked with, read to and had cake and tea. The only limit on play was imagination!

Then it all changed and before tea the spell was broken as the pirates went back out to sea.Shiver me timbers!!
What did you do today?
Peace to you all.

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