Thursday, 24 March 2011

ready for the premier league

The weather was glorious here today, spring has sprung and the sun made a brief but bright and welcome appearane this afternoon. So to the nearest park we went, with a few good friends, flasks of coffee and snacks and lots of energy.  The kids basked in this,  the first real day of spring -  jumpers and coats abandoned in a heap,fingers dug in the mud and their long limbs wrapped up and round trees. Sticks were procured, dens built and of course, there was a mutiny on the pirate ship.Though thankfully no one was made to walk the plank. Loving it!

Football is a much ruminated on subject in this house, and late this afternoon was special - today the new ball had to be tried out. A much adored birthday present from his grandfather, it has been waiting for weeks to get onto some turf. But it was too precious to bring to the park, he wanted to try out in our tiny patch all on his own. Such was the love for the football leather. As you can see full kit required. Even so - it was deemed as - not quite football enough. So the wardrobe was perused and  suitable shorts were found. Move over Stephen Gerrard.

How was your day? Peace to you all.

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