Monday 21 March 2011

"weekend... whats a weekend?"

I love that line .... and for those of you who are Downtown Abbey fans you'll have heard it acted beautifully by the wonderful Maggie Smith. Apparently DA is returning in the autumn here - what bliss!
Aren't weekends all about slowing down and breathing.. deeply.. resting... not working????? I love, love, love nuturing my family but hey it still takes lots of energy. So what did we get up to this weekend?

I confess now - I took the kids to the park several times last week - so I could knit, but to me this was a GOOD idea and served 2 purposes. The kiddos ran around playing pirates for a couple of hours and I sat in the car with this. So I finished the "Rasberry beret" for Ems. Isn't it cute - isn't she cute in it!
This was so easy. I didn't have the rights size of circular and hate dpns so I used straight needles and just altered every other knit row to purl to make the stocking stitch. Jenny Lord's pattern  was really easy to follow - even for a knitting duffer like me - and although it's a smidge big for her she loves it and now has demanded a cowl and fingerless gloves to match.
The wool was a real find! It's such a bright and cheerful colour - just like the little girl who wears it.
I was in a local charity shop and noticed it in a basket on the floor - about 4 balls and I think these may have frogged/ thrifted from something else. The lady only charged me £1 for the lot - I have about 3 balls left - brilliant. Eco friendly and thrifty - my kind of shopping!

I love my wellies and getting outdoors  -it's perfect walking and playing weather at the moment. spring is springing and you can smell nature's fecundity all over my favourite trails. Its about breathing deeply and collectively as a family, about connecting with our souls and storing up some "nature nuture" for the busy week days ahead. Sticks are the most obvious toys and the best!!!

And finally.. I did some planting. My little seeds - rocket, courgette, spinach, chard, borage and comfrey are now nestled in the rich seedling compost. Hopefully I will able to fulfill a little more of my dream to at least partly feed my family home grown veg. We have such a tiny little patch from which to provide, the same tiny patch which is also home to a climbing frame, football cones and trampoline. That said, I adore being out in my garden, it doesn't look like much but it gives us hours of pleasure and hopefully with fingers crossed (and toes!) ,my tomatoes might, just might survive this year. I would love to can my own pasta sauce - there are so many positives in not ordering a take-away but going to the cupboard for a homemade sauce for pasta or chicken - just seems to me to be so much the better option. Tomatoes need basil and here are my little seedlings basking in the spring sun.  

What are you basking in this weekend?
Peace to you all.

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