Thursday 19 May 2011

Thrifty Thursday - the big cull

My mother used to say that when the going got tough in my life I headed for the nearest bookstore. And it's true. All my life whether I had a bad day at the office or school, a row with a boyfriend or was just plain bored I headed for my nearest pile of books.It didn't matter whether it was Enid Blyton or Edith Wharton, fact or fiction i love a good book.  There's something about the feel of a book and the world inside those pages that envelopes you that is so very alluring. I could spend hours without realising it inside a book.  I'm not sure the kindle does it for me although I know lots of converts. The love of books also goes down the genetic line. At night the kids, Andrew especially can often be found under their cabin beds with a night light.  Harry Potter and the half blood prince in the current flavour of the day.
Parenting, is of course, a subject made for books.And i have read many, many books. My new favourite book is this one and I have noted to my sheer delight that some other bloggers are reading through the same one. I cannot recommend it highly enough. There is so much common parenting sense in those pages. Its a beautiful book for those who want to keep our kids as children, who want to preserve a way of life that makes them compassionate and imaginative. For those of you not initiated into this wonderful world, the down side is you have to throw lots of stuff away. I didn't think we had that much  -we're quite frugal -  the toys are fairly minimal, neither adult is gadget orientated, we don't do lots of music or furniture or ornaments. And then it hit me - staring me right in the face

and there's more, so much more. The cull must start now, I am hoping for courage (as I can't throw a book out) and ultimately relief  (for having the courage to do it in the first place) and lastly, space.  Will i feel less fettered - I'll let you know, And if you have done your cull - let me know how it went.

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