Sunday 17 April 2011

Keeping it simple

I find todays world is trying to hurry us all along and I'm working for the polar opposite.  We do our best to keep it simple -  its the the little things like cutting out those far too grown up parties, gadgets and excessive TV  or unneccessary after school clubs.   And often our family simplicity is a way of being that I trymy best   to cling to when everything gets really frantic and threatens to overwhelm us all .. like this last week. What with all our usual commitments like work and school there was 2 days of miserable sickness, 4 performances of Emma's play, and a GB and BB display. Pics later when I get them uploaded.
So with a hectic, hectic week finally behind us we all needed to breathe, long and slowly, have a pyjama day, eat homemade pancakes and let the weekend unfold naturally and simply. They did what they wanted to.

Having a watefight while washing dads car-  simple fun!

Its was a sports car, a superfast horse and a super spacerocket - frugal simplicity!
 He drove/rode/flew it for 2 days and 2 nights til it fell apart.

Collecting and making nettle pesto - yummy simplicity!
we love this pesto - not exactly true italian ingredients but its so delicious and so simple

1.half a carrier bag of nettles - washed  + steamed for 5 minutes

2. pop into food processor with handful of grated cheese ( i use whatver hard cheese is in the fridge)

3. Throw in some toasted walnuts and 2 cloves of garlic and whizz.

4. Drizzle in some olive oil to bring together, season with salt and pepper.


How do you keep it simple? Post a comment and let me know!

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